GodBlogCon Prayer Blog

The place to come to find out who and what to pray about concerning GodBlogCon.

Heb 13:18

Pray for us, for we are sure that we have a good conscience, desiring to conduct ourselves honorably in all things.

Heb 13:15

Through Him then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name.

John 14:13

"And whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Pray Scripture

Sometimes, the best prayers can be lifted directly from scripture. Let's make this Psalm our prayer today:

Psalm 111

Praise the LORD! I will give thanks to the LORD with all my heart, in the company of the upright and in the assembly.
Great are the works of the LORD; they are studied by all who delight in them.
Splendid and majestic is His work; and His righteousness endures forever.
He has made His wonders to be remembered; the LORD is gracious and compassionate.
He has given food to those who fear Him; He will remember His covenant forever.
He has made known to His people the power of His works, in giving them the heritage of the nations.
The works of His hands are truth and justice; all His precepts are sure.
They are upheld forever and ever; they are performed in truth and uprightness.
He has sent redemption to His people; He has ordained His covenant forever; Holy and awesome is His name.
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; a good understanding have all those who do His commandments His praise endures forever.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Answers Present More Needs

SmartChristian.com, the organizing site, reports that Arizona has been eliminated as a location for the conference. This is an answer to prayer, in that God continues to clarify the situation for us. That said, the options left are more difficult and problematic.

Continue to actively seek God's will concerning your direct involvement in the conference organizing and planning.

From the Prayer Closet

Prayer Team Member Bonnie posts her prayers.

The physical realities of putting a conference together are becoming increasingly apparent. This post at the organizing site lays it out. Pray hard about this. Most importantly, pray about the role God is calling you to in this. Right now,we are suffering from a few too many chiefs and not enough indians. (Not really surprising when you have a group of bloggers.) Ask God if he has called you to be an indian.

With the conference at this critical decision point, we will dispense today with the usual more generic prayer list and ask you to prayer in a deliberate and concentrated manner on the immediate issues confronting the leadership.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Location, Location, Location

Please pray hard as a venue change for the conferenc is currently underway. Praise the Lord that we have problems related to an abundance of response.

When You Pray Today -- Please Pray About These Things

Praise God for the enthusiasm and energy that has met this conference.

Ask God to make all the necessary resources available to this conference, labor, facilities, finance, and organizing. Ask God what your specific role should be in bringing this to fruitition.

Pray today and the next couple of days as a committee is formed to handle organization and logistics. This is a huge task growing larger by the day.

Pray that God will use this conference for His will and the furtherance of His kingdom. Pray that the participants focus will be on Him. (1 Cor 2:2) For I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.

Ask God to help the conference leadership, to create the necessary time in their already busy, busy schedules. Ask the Lord to grant them the wisdom they need. Ask God to make this a blessing to each of them.

Pray that God will bring the right people to this conference as participants.

Pray for unity. Pray that everyone realizes that faith in Jesus transcends theological, denominational, and doctrinal differences. (1 Cor 10:17) Since there is one bread, we who are many are one body; for we all partake of the one bread.

Pray for the speakers and presenters. God grant them wisdom and courage.

Pray for the finances. Ask God to make them abundant, but not wasteful. Ask God if you are supposed to contribute to the conference RIGHT NOW.

Pray that the Guiding Core Values of the confernce will be realized:

Simplicity: to keep the organization and operation of the Convention as simple as possible

Relationship: to ensure that GodBlogCon 2005 is very relational, with a lot of networking and befriending going on with fellow bloggers

Inspiration: to receive inspiration and vision for the significant emerging role of blogging in America's church and culture from Hugh Hewitt and others.

Practicality: to provide practical workshops/roundtables led by top quality leaders in blogging

Diversity: to offer a variety of workshops/roundtable topics that appeal to the diversity of interests within the blogging community.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

For YOUR Prayers Today

1Thes 5:18
...in everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

We need more people committed to praying for this conference! Hit the email link at the left and let us know that you are and will continue to be praying for GodBlogCon 2005.

Praise God for the enthusiasm and energy that has met this conference. The response has been overwhelming. Pray that those that are called to attend are also called to help organize and to contribute -- time, talent, and treasure.

Pray today and the next couple of days as a committee is formed to handle organization and logistics. This is a huge task growing larger by the day.

Ask God to provide the right facilities at the right price. Thank God, IN ADVANCE, for the answer to this prayer -- He WILL provide.

Pray that God will use this conference for His will and the furtherance of His kingdom. Pray that the participants focus will be on Him. (1 Cor 2:2) For I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.

Pray for the developing leadership team. Ask God to continue to raise up the right leaders. Ask God to create the necessary time in their already busy, busy schedules. Ask the Lord to grant them the wisdom they need. Ask God to make this a blessing to each of them.

Pray that God will bring the right people to this conference as participants.

Pray for unity. Pray that everyone realizes that faith in Jesus transcends theological, denominational, and doctrinal differences. (1 Cor 10:17) Since there is one bread, we who are many are one body; for we all partake of the one bread.

Pray for the speakers and presenters. God grant them wisdom and courage.

Pray for the finances. Ask God to make them abundant, but not wasteful. Ask God to make sure money is not an issue for anyone He wants to participate, or for the organizers. Ask God if you are supposed to contribute to the conference RIGHT NOW.

Pray that the Guiding Core Values of the confernce will be realized:

Simplicity: to keep the organization and operation of the Convention as simple as possible

Relationship: to ensure that GodBlogCon 2005 is very relational, with a lot of networking and befriending going on with fellow bloggers

Inspiration: to receive inspiration and vision for the significant emerging role of blogging in America's church and culture from Hugh Hewitt and others.

Practicality: to provide practical workshops/roundtables led by top quality leaders in blogging

Diversity: to offer a variety of workshops/roundtable topics that appeal to the diversity of interests within the blogging community.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Our Roman Catholic Brethren

Pray for the Pontiff. Good Christian leaders are hard to come by.

What we are asking YOU to pray about today!

Praise God for the enthusiasm and energy that has met this conference. The response has been overwhelming. Pray that those that are called to attend are also called to help organize and to contribute, time, talent, and treasure.

Thank God for the facilities He has made available to us. We have already, in about 10 days, outstripped the originally intended facilities. Pray that God will provide the right facilities at the right price. Thank God, IN ADVANCE, for the answer to this prayer -- He WILL provide.

Pray that all logistical difficulties and concerns of the conference will vanish. Ask God to demostrate in solid and concrete ways that He is in charge and that He will make this happen.

Pray that God will use this conference for His will and the furtherance of His kingdom. Pray that the participants focus will be on Him.

Pray for the developing leadership team. Ask God to continue to raise up the right leaders. Ask God to create the necessary time in their already busy, busy schedules. Ask the Lord to grant them the wisdom they need. Pray especially for the Overall Director: Dr. Andrew Jackson/SmartChristian.com. Your humble poster can sense the stress in his emails -- ask God to make this conference a blessing to him and not a burden.

Pray that God will bring the right people to this conference as participants.

Pray for unity. Pray that everyone realizes that faith in Jesus transcends theological, denominational, and doctrinal differences. Pray that we find the community of Christ, joined in His Spirit, more committed to the mission than to our petty squabbles.

Pray for the speakers and presenters. God grant them wisdom and courage.

Pray for the finances. Ask God to make them abundant, but not wasteful. Ask God to make sure money is not an issue for anyone He wants to participate, or for the organizers.

Pray that the Guiding Core Values of the confernce will be realized:

Simplicity: to keep the organization and operation of the Convention as simple as possible

Relationship: to ensure that GodBlogCon 2005 is very relational, with a lot of networking and befriending going on with fellow bloggers

Inspiration: to receive inspiration and vision for the significant emerging role of blogging in America's church and culture from Hugh Hewitt and others.

Practicality: to provide practical workshops/roundtables led by top quality leaders in blogging

Diversity: to offer a variety of workshops/roundtable topics that appeal to the diversity of interests within the blogging community.

Monday, January 31, 2005

Important Prayer Request from The Chair

As interest continues to grow in the Convention, the LOGISTICS of operating it is becoming a major, major undertaking. Please pray as the need for larger facilities and more sophisticated operations is being faced with faith, but is also a huge challenge to address and find adequate answers. If you have any answers please let me know.

What We Are Praying For And About Today

Praise God for the enthusiasm and energy that has met this conference.

Thank God for the facilities He has made available to us.

Pray that God will use this conference for His will and the furtherance of His kingdom. Pray that the participants focus will be on Him.

Pray for the developing leadership team. Ask God to continue to raise up the right leaders. Ask God to create the necessary time in their already busy, busy schedules. Ask the Lord to grant them the wisdom they need. Here is a list of the Executive Group -- pray for them by name:

Overall Director: Dr. Andrew Jackson/SmartChristian.com
Mark Roberts/Senior Pastor: Irvine Presbyterian Church, CA
Joe Carter/Evangelical Outpost
David Wayne/Jollyblogger
DJ Chuang/DJ’s MetaBlog

Pray that God will bring the right people to this conference as participants.

Pray for unity. Pray that everyone realizes that faith in Jesus transcends theological, denominational, and doctrinal differences. Pray that we find the community of Christ, joined in His Spirit, more committed to the mission than to our petty squabbles.

Pray for the speakers and presenters. God grant them wisdom and courage.

Pray for the finances. Ask God to make them abundant, but not wasteful. Ask God to make sure money is not an issue for anyone He wants to participate. Here is what the organizers had to say on that subject today:

Because this is the first Christian Blogsophere Convention, it is important that it is successful, well-attended, and leads the CB forward. As a result, we are asking ALL organizers, speakers, workshop leaders, and helpers to serve at no charge as an investment in the growth and maturity of the CB Church. And even beyond free service, we are also asking for financial gifts (tax deductible) from those in the CB who are able to give abundantly, especially Christian businesses, local churches, and ministries. All charges will go to underwrite the cost and function of the overall Convention, which will be quite significant. Thank you for understanding the strategic nature of this request.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

New Innovations, New Ways to Pray

You have got to love the way GodBlogCon, and its related activities are evolving. We started this "Prayer Blog" with the intention of using it as a means to disseminate information to all interested parties about who and what to pray for concerning GodBlogCon. In its day-long existence, we seem to be achieving that goal. As the conference comes together, we envisioned that it could serve as a tool to organize prayer vigils at the conference.

Yesterday, readers provided us with new and exciting ways we can use it. Ink Slinger, proprietor of several blogs, used the comments section of yesterday's post to write and publish a prayer! What a splendid idea. Please join in if you are so inclined. Perhaps you want to list your prayers and prayer concerns on your own blog, as Off the Top did yesterday. Please do so, and send us your links -- there is an email link at the left.

Or use the email link or the comments section to let us know what your prayer efforts on the home front are, like cehwiedel did in yesterday's comments. Have you activated your church's prayer chain on this matter? Let us know! When you were in prayer yourself did God raise a special concern? Let us know.

Prayer makes things happen. Prayer makes things happen right. We want as many people praying about as much and in as many ways as possible. Please join us.


Praise God for the enthusiasm and energy that has met this conference.

Thank God for the facilities He has made available to us.

Pray that God will use this conference for His will and the furtherance of His kingdom.

Pray for the developing leadership team. Ask God to continue to raise up the right leaders. Ask God to create the necessary time in their already busy, busy schedules. Ask the Lord to grant them the wisdom they need. Here is a list of the steering committee -- pray for them by name:

Facilitators: Andrew & Barbara Jackson
Mark Miller
Daryl/Carol Martin
Darrell Vaughn-Anselm/Hill Country Views
David Wayne/Jollyblogger

Pray that God will bring the right people to this conference as participants. Pray especially for some non-GodBlogger participants. This conference started out of the fact that GodBloggers were excluded from the big Harvard shindig. We do not want to be as exclusive. If we only talk to ourselves, we will increase the "ghettoization" everybody keeps writing about.

Pray for unity. Pray that everyone realizes that faith in Jesus transcends theological, denominational, and doctrinal differences. Pray that we find the community of Christ, joined in His Spirit, more committed to the mission than to our petty squabbles.

Pray for the speakers and presenters. God grant them wisdom and courage. Here is a list of the keynoters -- pray for them by name:

Hugh Hewitt (he's in)
Kevin McCullough/Crosswalk/Radio (he's in)
Glen Reynolds (maybe???)
Marvin Olasky (suggested)
George Grant (suggested)

Pray for the finances. Ask God to make them abundant, but not wasteful. Ask God to make sure money is not an issue for anyone He wants to participate.

Praise God! -- Because HE IS WORTHY!