GodBlogCon Prayer Blog

The place to come to find out who and what to pray about concerning GodBlogCon.

Heb 13:18

Pray for us, for we are sure that we have a good conscience, desiring to conduct ourselves honorably in all things.

Heb 13:15

Through Him then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name.

John 14:13

"And whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Pray Today and Every Day

Nothing breeds success in any Christian endeavor like prayer -- nothing. Pray long, pray hard, pray specifically.

Are you coming to GodBlogCon? Are you trying to come? Do you want to come? Are you facilitating? Are you sweeping the floors? Let us know your thanks, praises, and requests via the email link on the left. We'll post them at least once a day, more often if possible.

Send us your stories of answered prayer too! Let's watch God work in concrete ways.

Come here often and pray for the list found -- even if it hasn't changed since your last visit. Make this prayer list a part of your regular devotional routine.

Are you a prayer warrior? -- specifically gifted and called to prayer. Contact us! we covet your prayers especially. We are going to try and establish a prayer vigil at the convention -- we'd like you to be part of that.

Bonnie at Off The Top Gives us a big prayer post today


Praise God for the enthusiasm and energy that has met this conference.

Thank God for the facilities He has made available to us.

Pray that God will use this conference for His will and the furtherance of His kingdom.

Pray for the developing leadership team. Ask God to continue to raise up the right leaders. Ask God to create the necessary time in their already busy, busy schedules. Ask the Lord to grant them the wisdom they need.

Pray that God will bring the right people to this conference as participants.

Pray for unity. Pray that everyone realizes that faith in Jesus transcends theological, denominational, and doctrinal differences. Pray that we find the community of Christ, joined in His Spirit, more committed to the mission than to our petty squabbles.

Pray for the speakers and presenters. God grant them wisdom and courage.

Pray for the finances. Ask God to make them abundant, but not wasteful. Ask God to make sure money is not an issue for anyone He wants to participate.

Praise God! -- Just because HE IS!