Ran across this from Oswald Chambers...
As you pray for GBC today, pray that we all have the right kind of patience.
Patience is not the same as indifference; patience conveys the idea of someone who is tremendously strong and able to withstand all assaults. Having the vision of God is the source of patience because it gives us God’s true and proper inspiration. Moses endured, not because of his devotion to his principles of what was right, nor because of his sense of duty to God, but because he had a vision of God. ". . . he endured as seeing Him who is invisible" ( Hebrews 11:27 ). A person who has the vision of God is not devoted to a cause or to any particular issue— he is devoted to God Himself. You always know when the vision is of God because of the inspiration that comes with it. Things come to you with greatness and add vitality to your life because everything is energized by God. He may give you a time spiritually, with no word from Himself at all, just as His Son experienced during His time of temptation in the wilderness. When God does that, simply endure, and the power to endure will be there because you see God.It's hard to wait for GBC. It's hard to wait for all the myriad details to fall into place. It's hard to wait. But we don't wait -- God is with us now and He is all that matters.
As you pray for GBC today, pray that we all have the right kind of patience.
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